The right facial cleansing

For a radiant, pure complexion is the right and regular Facial Cleansing the absolute basis of comprehensive facial care. In order to be able to optimally absorb the ingredients of our care products, the skin must be clean and clear. In the following we explain the individual steps and what you should pay attention to when cleaning your face every day.

Start clean and remove makeup

Mascara, eyeshadow, foundation and co.: What should last well during the day must be completely removed in the evening so as not to clog our pores and Avoid skin blemishes such as blackheads and redness. Don't forget the eyelashes either! It doesn't matter whether it's black, brown or blue - mascaraed eyelashes need to be cleaned in the evening. This will protect you from being canceled. It is best not to rub back and forth, but wipe in one direction. This protects the eyelashes and the sensitive skin around the eyes. The first step of the facial care ritual should only be carried out with clean, washed hands so that dirt and bacteria do not get onto the sensitive skin of the face. By the way, this also applies during the day! It's best to keep your fingers away from your face.

Cleansing the skin of the face

With the aim of thoroughly and gently removing dirt and impurities from the skin, facial cleansing forms the basis for subsequent care. Even if no make-up has been worn, the skin should ideally be treated both in the morning and in the evening suitable cleaning products be freed from excess sebum and dirt. This makes the skin more receptive and the following active ingredients, which are applied with the skin care product, can penetrate better and develop their effect. The basis of Cleaning is the tap water: It is important not to use water that is too hot, as the high temperature stresses the skin and dries it out unnecessarily. Even very cold water can irritate the skin. For sensitive and sensitive skin It is best to use lukewarm water at most for washing. Excessive cleansing is also not good for the complexion: This can attack the skin's natural protective layer - hence the Facial Cleansing Twice a day (morning and evening) completely sufficient.

The right facial cleansing according to skin type

Facial cleansing for sensitive skin

Aggressive cleansers and peelings containing alcohol should be avoided if you have sensitive skin. A micellar water or a mild cleanser like this is more suitable for facial cleansing Cleanser SensitiveThis can do more than a simple cleansing milk: dead skin cells are loosened and the skin is freed from deposits, bacteria and acids.

Facial cleansing for oily and impure skin

During the day, oily and impure skin produces excess sebum and should therefore be cleaned particularly thoroughly at the end of the day. To refine the pores and mattify the complexion, you can use a scrubbing scrub or the Cleanser Intensive be grabbed by Beauty Hills. The following applies here: Double holds better! If the skin is not cleaned thoroughly enough with plenty of water, the dirt residues can be smuggled into the skin with the further care stages. To avoid this, be sure to clean the skin twice and thoroughly remove any residue with plenty of water. The double cleansing makes the skin comprehensive cleaned and perfused well. This leads to a smooth and radiant appearance.

Facial cleansing for combination skin

The combination skin type is characterized by an oily T-zone and at the same time dry parts of the face. When cleansing the face, the T-zone can also be clarified and moisturized at the same time Cleanser Intensive used by Beauty Hills.

Important: The needs of the skin change from time to time, for example due to the turn of the year or hormonal changes. The products used for facial cleansing should also be adapted to this.